Dave's electronic solutions for the over-ambitious non-engineer
Our OCS family is headed to a wonderful steampunk convention called Motor City Steam Con in Detroit Michigan.
One of the panels we will present is some electronic solutions for those of us that are not engineers. In the panel, I will reference a lot of information and very specifically, a pdf. Well folks, for those that where there, here is your pdf. For those that weren't, have a look.
I hope all of this is helpful to you.
Please do use caution when ever wiring electronics and batteries. I joke a lot about fire and explosions but it can really cause you a lot of pain, damage or even the loss of your life so truly it is no laughing matter. The best thing to do would be to take some electronics course at your local community college but in the absence of this option, watch a bunch of YouTube videos. I say a bunch because you don’t want to base all of your knowledge on one troll that made a bad video. The best are the ones made by the companies that sell electronics. Always use safety goggles, remember that when soldering, it gets hot enough to burn you, shrink wrap will protect your connections from shorting out, a heat gun is cheap and the best way to shrink your heat shrink. You can do this with the soldering gun or a lighter but you’re asking for problems. Use the heat gun.
I hope you have a blast in your steampunk journey and if you have questions, please feel free to contact me via the website: www.blogocd.com or on the steampunk site: www.hcsteam.net
Dave Lee Hatton Cross Steampunk
devoted husband of the BlogOCD mastermind: Aela Badiana